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Travel insurance?

Japan With Kids - Forums: Traveling to/from and in Japan: Travel insurance?
By Helenp on Wednesday, August 22, 2007 - 12:24 am:


Helen here...
I booked a trip with my son to Japan months ago, but in all the excitement and planning of what Ifm actually going to do when Ifm there, I forgot one of the first grounding steps - travel insurance! What do people think - worth it or not, and is it worth spending a bit more rather than going for cheap travel insurance? And if so - wherefs good for Japan?

Thank you very much


By Edlyn on Wednesday, August 22, 2007 - 7:48 am:

Hope you have a great trip.

When you travel there are two kinds of travel insurance. One will reimburse you for the cost of the trip should something happen and you can't take it. It usually includes a compotent to help pay your costs to return home. The more expensive policies will include medical reimbursement for medical expenses incurred on your trip. This kind of insurance is usually recommended when you have to pay a great deal of money up front and which you are not likely to get a refund. For instance if you take a cruise you have to pay the entire cost up front and it is rarely if ever refundable. However, if you just have airplane tickets and have booked some hotels, you generally don't need it because the airline ticket can be used another time and the hotel can usually be cancelled with no penalty. If this is the kind of insurance you are looking for check with your travel agent first if you used one. Usually on package tours they have a recommendation. If not you can purchase it on your own. We have purchased trip insurance twice, one for a very expensive cruise and once when we had to prepay the entire cost for renting a house for a month and our daughter was a year and we weren't sure if she would get sick or something. I don't recall the name of the company but I could call our agent. The truth is as we did not need it either time I'm not really sure if they were good or not. The cost, however, is always a percentage of the total cost of your trip, I think it was about 10% if I"m not mistaken,

There is also travel medical insurance. Most insurance policies from the United States include coverage while you are traveling. I'm not sure where you are from.

Your credit may also include reimbursement for medical costs while you travel if you have booked the trip with that credit card.

By Vversaille on Thursday, August 30, 2007 - 6:11 am:

In my experience, travel insurance is essential - especially when you're travelling far from your home country; itfs all too easy to get an illness that will ruin your trip.

As for where, thatfs a bit harder - first of all for Japan youfll need somewhere that offers global travel insurance. A few places spring to mind -, and all do it IIRC. As for is cheap badc it doesnft have to be, in my experience; just read what youfre covered for very carefully and if it seems to good to be true then it probably is.

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