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Breech birth

Japan With Kids - Forums: Health Topics: Pregnancy/Birth/Childrearing: Breech birth
By Caroline on Friday, October 25, 2002 - 10:44 pm:

Has anyone had a breech birth at Aiiku Hospital? I would love to get impressions and opinions on how breech was handled during the third trimester and thru delivery there. Thanks!

By rach on Sunday, October 27, 2002 - 9:25 am:

My friend had a breech birth at Aiiku Hospital one and a half years back, it was a successful no complication natural delivery. Unfortunately she is no longer in Japan, I remember the doctor there told her that they were experienced to handle breech births. She unsuccessfully tried to have the baby turned with a midwife she called at her home, later she mentioned that she would not reccommend turning of baby. Thats all I know. Hope it helps.

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