Breastfeeding and infertility
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Breastfeeding and infertility
By Irena Shie on Wednesday, July 9, 2003 - 11:17 am: Friends and doctor tell me that I should stop breastfeeding my 2 years old son if I want to have second child. I hear some people still continue breastfeeding while they expect 2nd child. Is that special case? It would be sad to stop breastfeeding and then find that something else might have been the reason. Please let me know if somebody has experience, idea, sugestion or anything on this.
By Jill on Wednesday, July 9, 2003 - 11:50 am:I think the La Leche League would have a lot of information on this. Their website is and lists groups in Tokyo. Good luck. Jill
By Irena Shie on Friday, July 25, 2003 - 2:07 pm: Hi Jill, Thanks.I was a kind of desperate when I post this message after 2 gynecologists told me that I would not be able to expect another child unless I stop breastfeeding. Yesterday, I found that I was 5 weeks pregnant ! And I am still nursing. But yes, it might be different for everybody, and I agree that it would be good to have opinion from experts including La Leche League.
By Quenby Hoffman Aoki on Friday, July 25, 2003 - 7:37 pm: As others have said, definitely discuss the issue with La Leche League. And, just to throw my two cents in, I am seven months pregnant and my three year old still nurses. At least in my experience, I was able to get pregnant while still continuing to meet my older child's needs.
By Paula on Sunday, July 27, 2003 - 12:17 pm: When I had my son the nurse warned me that breastfeeding only protect you from a 2nd pregnancy for about the first 6 weeks. She said they had so many new Mums come in the have their 2nd chid when the first wasn't even a year old because they thought breastfeeding protected them. I guess the younger you are the more prolific your body is.
By Melissa Mcnulty on Monday, August 4, 2003 - 7:19 am: Hi, As well as LLL, The BreastFeeding Book by Bill and Martha Sears addresses breastfeeding your toddler and baby. If you can't find ithere in a store, Amazon etc has it, or go to there is a breastfeeding section on that site (in case you don't know the Sears, they are advocates of attachment paranting, breastfeeding and the Family bed etc). Good luck! Melissa