
First time here?
Please register to see the list.

Already registered?
See the Tokyo Area Babysitter List

Help keep our kids safe!
Report good or bad experiences here.

Without Registration:
See Commercial Babysitting Services List

Add your name to the list here.


New User Registration Area

Register here to see the Babysitter List. Your information will not be shared with anyone. We require registration in an effort to protect the people who have their personal information on the list.

All fields are required except for 'Area Living In' which is optional.

Your Name:
Email Address:
Phone Number:
Area Living In


Report Your Experiences Here

Help keep our kids safe! If you use a babysitter on the list, please tell us how it went.

All fields on the form are optional except for the 'Comments' box. If you require a response from us please provide us with at least one way of contacting you.

Your Name:
Email Address:
Area Living In:
Comments: (required)
You may use my comments on this site.
You may use my comments but keep me anonymous.
Please keep my comments confidential.

sitter registration

Babysitter Registration Area

Register here to be added to the Babysitter List.
Provide as much information as you can.

Your Name: (Required)
Email Address:
Phone Number: (Required)
Closest Subway or Train station: (Required)
Line the station is on: (Required)
Any other information about yourself:

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This page last updated: 25 April 1999Please Read our Disclaimer
Copyright 2000 Tokyo With Kids

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