Welcome to the forums! Have a good time! If you are unsure how to proceed, please read Getting Started. Please take a moment to read all the existing topics and choose your topic heading with care, before posting or creating a new sub-topic. The list below only includes the main topics. To search the sub-topic headings please use the search function in the blue column on the left.

Moderator Area
Posting area for moderators.
Announcements from Admin and JWK
What's new at JapanWithKids and what's happening in the Discussion Forums.
General Discussions
Come and join in the conversation!
Consumer Reports
Day Care in Japan
Education in Japan
Health Topics
Includes discussions about pregnancy and giving birth as well as health insurance, doctors, clinics, hospitals and more.
Immigration/visas/re-entry permits/naturalization
Moving to and Leaving Japan
Playgroups and Pals
Repairs and Maintenance
Shopping in Japan
The "Shopping in Japan" main topic covers all the questions regarding where and how to buy things in this country or how to order them from abroad.
Traveling to/from and in Japan
Second Hand/Recycle/Flea Markets
Suggest a Main Topic
Babysitters, Nannies, Home Help, etc.
This topic area is a "for pay" area. In order to be able to post here, there is a fee of Y1000 for people advertising their services and Y2000 for potential employers. Here you can advertise for a nanny, a babysitter, a driver, a home helper, etc. For how to subcribe and more information on babysitting: click here
Return to the Japan With Kids main page 2006 July 16: Due to an unprecedented number of spam attempts all topic posts are now monitored by the moderator(s). Sorry, but we have now lost the instant posting function. There will be delays of up to a week in some cases. 2007 May 13: Message queueing has been turned off, since implementation of anti-spam defense.