For Your Information

Tokyo Metropolitan Government
tel: 03-5321-1111
2-8-1 Nishi Shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku

Official Website (Japanese here)

Current Governor of Tokyo is Ishihara Shintaro
His first term was April 1999 - 2003 and he was voted back in again for a second term. Then he was voted back in again for a third term in 2007.
Email him at:

Here is a "snapshot" of our new governor through the eyes of Ken Joseph Jr, highly respected citizen of Japan, responsible for the Japan Helpline and numerous other good works.

Mr. Ishihara is quite famous, among the foreign community in particular for disparaging remarks about foreigners. However, he has his hands full with enormous budget deficits (due to hugely reduced tax revenues) and has been the one to wield the ax. There has been a massive reorganization since April 1999, and the various web pages are all being re-worked and moved in part due to huge staff cuts and deletion of whole department sections.

Foreign Residents Advisory Center telephone consultation:
(From 9:30-12:00 and 13:00-17:00)
English 03-5320-7744 Mon. thru Fri.
Chinese 03-5320-7766 Tue. & Fri.
Korean 03-5320-7700 Wed.
The French and Spanish may have been discontinued? but used to be scheduled:
French 03-5320-7755 Thu. (jeudi)
Spanish 03-5320-7730 Thu. (jueves)

Tokyo Metropolitan Government Information by radio:
InterFM radio: 76.1
Mon-Fri 22:40-22:43


Tokyo Metropolitan Government Websites:
Bureau of Citizens and Cultural Affairs TMG (Japanese)
English Guide to Tokyo (English) -- this site has been removed (

Tokyo Metropolitan News
A quarterly publication available in English, Korean, French, Chinese.
Editorial and distribution office: 03-5388-3172
Online version (only in English)

See the Breakdown of Foreign Population Living in Tokyo.
Related discussions: Government Web Sites in English

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This page last updated: 20 May 2007 Please Read our Disclaimer
Copyright 2000 Japan With Kids